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THE Programm


BY Dan White

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Lorem Ipsum Dolor



You cant fool a child, only enchant them.
Children know when someone is authentic, they don‘t let anything get past them. That‘s exactly the reason why they love Dan White‘s magic show. With the combination of magic and comedy and theater and ventriloquism, within the first minute the children are all eyes and ears for what is happening on the stage. And they cant comprehend how it is all happening.

If Children do not like a show, they run away. At Dan White's magic show, they stay, from the first to the last minute.

And now children, Dan White will tell you personally a few more things.

Is it Magic?
Is it magic, when animals begin to speak and come alive? Is it magic when you simply burst into laughter? All of the characters are so magical, and even the magic wand when it begins to bend! You can barely stay put in your chair, but its allright, because eventually you‘ll nedd to get up anyways to and become the sorcerer‘s apprentice!

And for the finale, you will receive the balloon animal that you have always wanted, and of course the same goes for all your friends as well!

Dan White fits the children‘s show to exactly the age of his audience, whether it be 3 or even 12 years old.

So you can tell your Parents, its completely logical that it‘s going to be magical! Your Mommy and Daddy can sit back and take a break from the children‘s party, and just leave it up to Dan White to enchant you and your friends with his magical wand!

Suitable for: Birthday parties and other child parties, large children events, kindergartens, schools, festivities and even more.

Duration: 60 minutes including balloon animals.

Guaranteed award-winning show: Dan White was voted the best Child‘s Magician at the „Children‘ s Magic Show Week“ in Zugerland.

Languages: English, German and Swiss-German


News article CHILDREN‘S MAGIC SHOW (German)

All abut Dan White - DownloadPDF-File | 7000k

THE Programm


Learning magic

Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Psst, would you like to know how the trick is done?
But first, please ask your mommy and daddy. For although you`ll be learning magic like a true magician in my „Children Magic Workshop“, only your parents possess the power to make a booking with me.

You`ll be truly amazed, for your introduction to the art of magic will be with me personally. Yes, with the children‘s magician Dan White, you‘ll become a true magician. You only need to be at least 6 years old. The teaching course can be booked along with the „Children‘s Magic Show“ (30 - 45 minutes) or can replace the balloon animals as a small trial course (10-15 minutes).

Depending on the program, you and your friends will learn from the „Children‘s Magic Workshop“ one or even more magic tricks, which you will then later be able to perform in front of your friends and family. Trust me, they wont believe their eyes! 

So now, tell your parents „Mommy, Daddy! I want to learn the art of magic with the children‘s magician Dan White! Please, please, please book him!




Please do what your child says

You have listen to your child: now Book Dan White for your children‘s party and experience an unbelievably hilarious show! And yes, of course you may sit in the back, in the very last row, and be entertained

as well...


Magic & Comedy  
Föhrenweg 6
CH-8605 Gutenswil  
Phone: 044 946 44 77  
Mobile: 079 677 48 77


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and speak with the magician......


Thank you that you like to contact the magician Dan White.
You can reach me by:

PHONE: 044 946 44 77  
MOBILE: 079 677 48 77